UI UX Design

Crafting intuitive and visually stunning designs for over a decade. Our expert team focuses on creating user-centric interfaces that enhance engagement and usability. From research and prototyping to final design and user testing, we ensure every detail is perfect. Trusted by clients across various industries, our designs deliver exceptional user experiences. Elevate your brand with Gate68’s innovative and effective UI/UX solutions.

Design and User Experience

Gate68 mission is to provide digital transformation and better human experiences. Gate68 Also works in the UI UX design user experience space is a clear realisation of that mission.

It all begins with the processes we undertake to really understand your audience’s needs, wants, emotions, behaviors & interactions. The Nuggets of gold collected in discovering and strategy phases of your project. Ensure that the digital products and services we create genuinely hit the mark.

To design to achieve the user experience for your audience. We recommend conducting user research, experience and testing activities. To gather insights and identify opportunities. Before proceeding with the design & development. In addition, undertaking ongoing conversations with users & validating and testing ideas. Designs and functionality can all work together to promote continuous improvement in the overall user experience.

How we do it

Gate68 UI UX design services can incorporate any combination of the following

Web and data analytics

We will also review and analyses website analytics, as well other existing data. Such as operational data, customer feedback/surveys, market research and industry data, to develop digital recommendations.

Expert review and benchmarking

We will conduct a thorough review of your website against a variety of best practice and industry standard criteria. Identifying existing issues and opportunities for improvement with your current digital presence.


We can facilitate workshops with key stakeholder groups to investigate requirements. Identify pain points and improvement opportunities. Stakeholder workshops can used to test the effectiveness of prototype solutions.

In-depth interviews

Gate68 recommends one on one interviews . To get detail user desired behaviors, motivations and attitudes. Other option is to communicate with participant’s. To effectively simulate an actual customer digital experience.

User testing

User testing allows us to gain insights, into how well user needs, wants and expectations are being met. It can be by a digital service or product. It can be tailored to specific functions, features or areas of interest. Gate68 can facilitate online task based user testing. Which allows for greater participant numbers and wider geographical reach.

Persona development

Personas are fictional representations of customer types. Providing a reference for typical personality traits, goals, frustrations, motivations, behaviors and expectations of a segment of users. Defining these personas ensures, that we have a solid, understanding of our customers & can align digital experiences to their needs and wants.

User journey mapping

Gate68 also can create a visual illustration. The different touch points that customers encounter online and offline interacting with your business. We can map a future state journey the ideal customer experience.

Information architecture is the organising labeling and structuring of information to promote usability, find-ability and navigability in digital presences. such as websites, intranets, online communities and software. We also can use card sorting and tree testing tools to guide the drafting of an appropriate IA structure.

Information Architecture


Wireframes are representation of the framework of a website Illustrating the structure content, images such as headers, footers, navigation and search etc. It also can be low or high Gate68 create clickable prototypes that allowing you to navigate through a website of wireframes.

Finished designs

Once time wireframes are approved we move into applying your organisation’s brand to describe the user experience in full fidelity. We deliver this for your review through a design also feedback tool called InVision, that allows you to review the experience in your browser and comment directly on the designs.

Design QA

At Gate68, we are strong believers in rigorous quality assurance and testing. Ensuring the final user experience delivered to customers is as designed is an essential part of this QA process and similarly the responsibility of the designer, in partnership with the QA team.

Conversion optimisation

Once the digital experience is online the work of a designer doesn’t stop. Because our design team are passionate about continuous improvement and helping our clients. Finally increase the value of their digital assets by improving conversion. Whether increase in transactions average order value leads inquiries.

“Gate68 - Your Business Optimisation Partner.”